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Coleslaw – Flora (2024)
1. Soul On Ice
2. Hope
3. Part-Time RnR
4. To The Bone
5. Catalogue Love
6. Angels & Skulls
7. Share A Smile
Coleslaw – Black Heart Fairytales (2014)
1. Hell Breaks Loose
2. Saving My Anger
3. Lost On The Way
4. Dead Tomorrow
5. Behind The Curtain
6. Illusions For Fate
7. Make It Last Forever
Coleslaw – Re:verse (2009)
1. Your Serenity
2. Aldrin
3. Second Hand Smokers
4. Pathetic Girl
5. Air To Breathe
Coleslaw – The Calming Influence (2006)
01. Me Again
02. Here And Now
03. This Misery
04. Thoughts Of An Idiot
05. Cemetery’s Safety
06. Closer Tonight
07. Show For Me
08. Daydream Diary
09. Never Ending Chain
10. Away
Coleslaw – Strawberry Week (2004)
1. Just Asking
2. All Your Fault
3. The Thing About You
4. Dark Hole
5. Exhausted
6. Forward

Coleslaw – Exhausted (2004)
1. Exhausted – Music Video
2. Making Of
3. Interview
4. Gallery
5. Surprise
Online Releases
Coleslaw – Online Releases
1. Like A Rockstar (2005)
2. Me Again – Ströbel Remix (2006)
3. Dipl. Ing. (FH) Helmut feat. Lautschrift (2008)
4. The Thing About You (Live 2008)
5. Never Ending Chain (Live 2008)
6. Air To Breathe (Live 2008)